Product ID: 1790
EGT (TYPE-K) amplifier 0-5v out
EGT (TYPE-K) amplifier 0-5v out
EGT (TYPE-K) amplifier 0-5v out
EGT (TYPE-K) amplifier 0-5v out
EGT (TYPE-K) amplifier 0-5v out

EGT (TYPE-K) amplifier 0-5v out


EGT-K is a precision thermocouple amplifier providing high accuracy temperature measurement in the range of 0-1250 C.

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EGT-K is a precision thermocouple amplifier providing high accuracy temperature measurement in the range of 0-1250 C. It converts thermocouple type-k non-linear millivolts signal to 0-5V linear (4mV/ ?C) output so it's compatible with most industrial applications and data-loggers. It has built-in cold junction compensation so any length wires can be used.