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Navigation: Advanced > 8HP gearbox control

8HP hardware upgrade

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8HP related links

8HP CAN protocol.

8HP Drive modes.

8HP hardware identifier.

8HP hardware upgrade.

8HP Installation and wiring.

8HP RealTime Data.

8HP reflash procedure.

8HP shift control.

8HP shifter.

8HP shifter emulation.

8HP TCU firmware.

8HP torque converter control.

8HP transbrake.

8HP wiring information.

MTune 8HP Control.

MTune 8HP Settings.



So far, our BMW 8HP70 gearbox has successfully managed all the punishment during our development with 900hp / 1100Nm until our crankshaft died in our engine...

(around 3000 liter of E85 fuel burned during the development in our dyno).


Note: Everything on this page will be replaced with any hardware upgrades we find necessary together with our 8HP CAN control.