Regular ignition output, automatic mode and assumes IGN output wired in cylinder order and the correct firing order entered.
Ignition output are +5v driven, please use coils with internal amplifiers.
MSD ignition is most likely GND driven, therefore use Ignition output cylinder x instead.
Measure the input pin of the ignition module while it's powered (without the ECU connected). If there's voltage (3V or more) on that pin it needs a grounding trigger instead, and therefore it must be used on a GPO instead of IGN.
In configuration --> engine settings, firing order of 1,3,42, is set.
Here the ignition output (which assumes a cylinder order wiring) is assigned to the IGN 1 - 4.
With the above settings, ignition outputs in the following order:
1.IGN output 1 (cylinder 1)
2.IGN output 2 (cylinder 3)
3.IGN output 3 (cylinder 4)
4.IGN output 4 (cylinder 2)
If you had a brain fart while wiring all your ignition outputs, and wired them in firing order instead of cylinder order, please see Ignition output cylinder x how to easy fix that without rewiring.