Note: Only available on MaxxECU PRO
Accelerometer orientation
Rotation mode
•right angles - Simple rotation mode.
•free rotation - Quaternation values can be entered manually, or use the rotation setup to calibrate the built-in accelerometer for any mounting orientation.
G sensor module direction data.
G sensor module direction data.
G sensor module direction data.
Accelerometer filter
filter level
Specifies the filter level. 1-64, a higher values means more filter.
Exponential smoothing alpha
Alpha smoothing value as an extra filtering option. A to high value will slow down the response from the sensor.
0.00 = no smoothing
0.90 - 0.95 = recommended smoothing value.
Using the new free mode rotation setup, to calibrate the built-in accelerometer for any mounting orientation.
MTune setting for the above flat mount position.
MTune settings for the above standing mount position.